How to Check Your Bill

Northern uses paperless billing so you will NOT receive a bill in the mail. This means that you are responsible for checking your e-mail account for date-sensitive e-mails regarding tuition and fee and/or room and board payment deadlines.

To access your online bill...

  1. On the Current Students page,  click the MyInfo link located in the maroon bar in the upper right-hand area of the page.
  2. Click on Log in to MyInfo using your NetID
  3. Enter your NetID and password.
  4. Select the Student Services Tab
  5. Click on Student Records
  6. Click on Web Bill Summary
  7. Select the Term then click Submit
  8. Confirm Your Attendance. The required Student Confirmation and Payment Agreement Form is our primary way to confirm your attendance.  This document can now be completed using DocuSign. The "Confirm Your Attendance" button will be available at the bottom of the page if you have a credit balance. Please select it even if have submitted your Student Confirmation and Payment Agreement Form. If you or your parent pays in full, the person paying will have to log out and log back in to confirm online.

Note: Scholarships, loans, fee waiver etc, they will not be applied to your account until you fill out the Student Confirmation and Payment Agreement Form. Find out more about How to Apply your Financial Assistance...