Apprenticeship Education
The Apprenticeship Education course work offered at MSU-Northern offers a correspondence education for the individual apprentice working for an approved Plumbing or Electrical Firm in the State of Montana. Through the successful completion of these fifteen courses of study, the student can fulfill the education requirements of their plumbing or electrical apprenticeships. These courses are recognized by the State of Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Apprenticeship Training Program.
Apprenticeship is a proven method of training people for careers. Programs combine progressively challenging tasks that are learned and then practiced on the job.
Some of the benefits for apprentices and journey workers:
- Paid employment during training - "earn as you learn" -
- Learn in the best way - through hands-on experience on the job.
- Gain skills to compete more effectively in the labor market.
- Jobs that pay higher wages
- A more secure career and the ability to adapt to new job requirements.
- Once you have passed all the courses and completed your Journeyman’s Exam, MSU-Northern can grant up to one year credit towards your Associates degree in Plumbing or Electrical Technology