Section 1000: Campus Policy

Effective: May 10, 1989
Revised: August 2016
Last Review: August 2018
Next Review: August 2020
Responsible Party: Chancellor



  • Fill out the Facility Use Form and Request for Alcoholic Beverage Service Form.
  • Read the alcoholic beverage policy statement and sign that you agree to abide by the alcoholic beverage policy. Student organizations must have an advisor sign that they have read and will abide by the policy statement.
  • Submit forms to appropriate building supervisor for recommendation (the name and location of building supervisor can be obtained from Business Services). Forms must be submitted to building supervisor at least two weeks prior to the event.
  • Student organizations receiving a recommendation of approval by the building supervisor must then submit their proposal to the Dean of Students for recommendation to the Chancellor.
  • Non-student organizations upon receiving recommendation for approval by building supervisor will then submit their request to the Chancellor or his designee.