1022 Public Participation Policy
Section 1000: Campus Policy
Effective: January 4,2011
Revised: December 2016, January 2024
Last Review: January 2024
Next Review: January 2026
Responsible Party: Chancellor
In accordance with §2-3-103, MCA, MSU-Northern has developed procedures to permit and encourage the public to participate in university decisions that are of significant interest to the public.
- Public Meetings – The following meetings will be open to the public:
- University Advisory Council
- Academic Senate
- Associated Students of Montana State University – Northern (ASMSUN)
The public will be notified by posting meeting agendas, including times, dates, and locations of meetings, on the MSU-Northern website. Members of the public may attend the meeting and observe deliberations of the committees set forth above. If members of the public are present, an opportunity for public comment will be allowed by the committee and will be included in committee minutes.
- The university may hold a public hearing to allow the public the opportunity to submit data, views, or arguments, orally or in written form, prior to making a final decision on matters of significant interest to the public.