303 Institutional Assessment Committee
Section 300: Committee Composition
Effective: October 6, 2009
Revised: October, 2015; October 2022
Last Review: October 2022
Next Review: October 2024
Responsible Party: Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost
The Montana State University-Northern Institutional Assessment Committee (IAC) is established as part of the campus wide assessment efforts and to support accreditation efforts throughout the campus. In addition to regional accreditation through the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU), the committee will serve as a resource for program specific and professional accreditation efforts throughout the campus.
The objectives of the MSUN IAC are to:
- Create and continually revise the campus-wide assessment plan;
- Provide a focal point for accreditation efforts both for regional accreditation and for specialized accreditations; and
- Coordinate campus accreditation activities.
The Committee will:
- Meet as needed during the regular academic year to evaluate progress and consider recommendations.
- Make recommendations to the Chancellor and Provost regarding internal and external accreditation activities and potential contracting with outside agencies to conduct assessments of campus-wide programs and activities.
- Coordinate with and support the academic program assessment efforts conducted by the Academic Program Assessment Subcommittee (APAS)
- Identify and recommend to the Chancellor and Provost budget items directly related to assessment and accreditation.
- Make an annual report by the end of Spring semester regarding accreditation assessment progress (including an annual report from the APAS) to the Chancellor and Provost and to the campus community.
The IAC will consist of the Provost, the Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management, the Vice Chancellor of Finance, the Dean of Students, the President of Academic Senate, College Deans, the Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning Excellence, College Chairs, and a faculty representative from each academic college.
The APAS membership will consist of the President of Academic Senate, College Chairs, and faculty representatives from each of the Colleges (appointed by the College Chairs).
IAC members and Core Leadership may recommend additional members to the Provost for consideration as deemed necessary.