Section 300: Committee Composition

Effective: February 10, 2000
Revised: February 2015, September 2022
Last Review: September 2022
Next Review: September 2024
Responsible Party: Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance

The Parking and Traffic Committee is established by the Chancellor of Montana State University-Northern.

The purpose of the committee is to (a) develop and recommend appropriate policy to the Chancellor in the areas of campus parking and traffic, and (b) to hear and make decisions on appeals of parking and traffic violations.

The Committee shall consist of one (1) faculty member, one (1) professional staff, one (1) classified employee staff member, and four (4) student members appointed by ASMSUN.

  • A Chair and a secretary shall be elected by committee members from the membership of the Committee.
  • The Chair shall preside at all meetings and hearings.
  • The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings.
  • The Committee shall meet at least once each month throughout the academic year. Meeting times and dates shall be decided by the Committee membership. All appeals will be heard during these meetings. Notice of meeting dates must be posted on the campus for a minimum of one week.
  • A request for an appeal hearing shall be made, by completing an appeal form and submitting for review to Business Services. Forms are available at the Business Services Office or on the Business Services webpage. All requests for appeal hearings must be made no later than ten (10) days after the violation has occurred.
  • Minutes should be distributed to the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance and all members of the Parking & Traffic Committee.
  • Rules and procedures governing appeal hearings shall be established by the Committee and presented to the Chancellor of the University for approval.
  • The Committee shall notify the appellant, in writing, no later than five (5) days following the hearing.


804.11 Campus Access Fees and
901.1 Vehicle Regulations
Montana Code Annotated - Section 20-25-312: Motor vehicle regulation -- enforcement of regulations -- appeals