402.1 University Catalog and Course Master File
Section 400: Academic Affairs
Revised: February 2011; March 2023
Last Review: March 2023
Next Review: March 2025
Responsible Party: Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost
The Montana State University - Northern Catalog is designed to be an accurate description of the instructional programs and classes listed in each academic semester's Schedule of Classes, this must correspond with those listed in the Catalog. The Course Master File, located in the offices of the Registrar and the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost, constitutes the essential authority for numbering, content, staffing limitations, and historical record of each course.
- All changes in the curricula, and consequently in the Catalog, must be approved by the Chancellor after study and recommendation by the institutional subcommittees of the Academic Senate, the Professional Education Unit (when appropriate), the Academic Senate, and the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost.
- Major changes must be cleared with and approved by the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education (the Board of Regents with regard to new curricula) as well as national and state accreditation bodies.
- The Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost or a designee is responsible for coordination of all academic master planning and catalog development.