403.1 Program Review
Section 400: Academic Affairs
Effective: November 1, 2002
Revised: March 2016; March 2023
Last Review: March 2023
Next Review: March 2025
Responsible Party: Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost
Periodic review of academic programs is important to Montana State University-Northern for several reasons:
- it insures the viability and relevance of the programs;
- it serves as an important assessment process for the institution;
- it helps the institution with its planning efforts, including the appropriate expenditure of its resources; and
- it guarantees that all programs are regularly evaluated and reviewed by the faculty and administrators responsible for the academic health of Montana State University-Northern.
The Program Review Process
The faculty in the academic program under review are responsible for preparing the information and documentation that becomes the basis for the review. That documentation will hereinafter be referred to as the Report. All programs listed in the MUS official degree and program inventory, except for certificates of 29 credits or less, must be reviewed at least once every seven years. Three to five programs are reviewed annually; the master calendar for Academic Program Reviews is maintained on the OCHE web site: https://mus.edu/che/arsa/ProgramReview/ProgramReview.html.
The Program Plan
https://mus.edu/che/arsa/AcademicPlanningAndPriorities/academic-priorities.html lists all “New Postsecondary Degrees/Centers/Institutes Under Construction” being considered for submission to OCHE for the current year and projects out three years. This plan is updated annually in May.
The Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Provost will review the Annual Report and prepare a response and recommendations to be approved by the Chancellor.