410 Absence from Commencement
Section 400: Academic Affairs
Effective: October 25, 1994
Revised: June 2016; September 2023
Last Review: September 2023
Next Review: September 2025
Responsible Party: Chancellor
It is a professional obligation of all Montana State University-Northern administrators, professional staff, and full-time faculty to attend the annual commencement ceremony.
Requests for absences from our annual commencement ceremony must be sent in writing, signed and dated, to the Chancellor. Requests will be weighed against the following criteria:
- The absence is necessary for attendance at a professionally related activity which cannot be scheduled at another time.
- The absence is necessary for compelling reasons of a personal nature.
The Chancellor will sign the letter as either approved or denied. The requestor will receive a copy of this approval or denial, and the original will be placed in the requestor's personnel file.