

Make an Appointment Today!

For more information or to set up an appointment, contact:

Jennifer Henderson
Joshua Gomez
Career Center Coordinator
MSU-Northern Career Services provides resources and services to all students. Visit the Career Center or make an appointment for help with resumes, cover letters, co-ops/internships and part-time and full-time job searches.


MSU-Northern uses Handshake to connect our students with employers and manage the University's co-op program. Create a profile on Handshake, and use this tool to search for professional positions, co-op/internships, on-campus and community opportunities. Learn more about Handshake for Students. 

Resumes, Cover Letters and Interviews

MSU-Northern Career Center staff will review your draft resume and cover letter and provide suggestions. Our professional staff is here to assist you and can provide tips based on experience and current trends. This service is free of charge for all Northern students. To get started, download a resume template here. Visit the Career Center to schedule a practice interview.

Co-op Internships

Co-op at MSU-Northern integrates career-related work experience with academic coursework, gain meaningful work experience and "earn while you learn." Learn more. 

On-Campus Recruiting

Each semester, the MSU-Northern Career Center schedules on-campus visits by companies interested in connecting with students. Companies visit in-person or virtually to share information about their company and career opportunities. Employers may schedule Information Sessions, presentations to clubs or classes and/or participation in the Career Fairs. 

Many companies interview students for co-ops and/or full-time jobs during their visits. Read more to learn about the MSU-Northern interview policy. Click here for information on the MSUN Career Fairs.

Student Job Information

Are you interested in a part-time job while you study at MSU-Northern? Do you have a work study award from the Financial Aid Office? To apply for student campus jobs, fill out Student Application and turn into the Office that is looking.

Learn more about student jobs and use Handshake to search for open positions. 

Graduate Outcomes

The MSU-Northern Career Center conducts an annual Graduate Survey to understand more about where our graduates are working and living. To see current and past survey results, visit here