Security & Campus Safety
Security & Campus Safety
In an effort to maintain the quality of life we now enjoy on campus, MSU-Northern provides a variety of services and programs to students, faculty and staff
Unreported crime is a criminal’s greatest ally. If you are a victim, witness, or have information about a criminal offense, contact MSU-Northern Facility Services at (406) 265-3755. They in turn will contact the Havre Police Department if needed. If there is no response, please call the Havre Police Department directly at (406) 265-4361 or in emergency situations, call 911. The 911 number will work from any campus phone. Northern does not have a campus police force but works closely with the Havre Police Department to maintain campus safety. To report a sexual assault, please call one of the following administrators:
- Assistant Dean of Students/Director Residence Life
Taryn Wallon
(406) 265-3539 - Human Resources
Rebecca Farr
(406) 265-3568
- Registrar
Alisha Schroeder
(406) 265-4191
- Director of Student Health & Wellness
Wanda Meredith
(406) 265-3599
- The community crisis line at
(406) 265-2222
Preventing crime is and reporting crime is everyone’s responsibility. School personnel will assist the student in notifying the proper authorities if so requested.
Northern does not have recognized off-campus student organizations, and it is not the university practice to monitor off-campus criminal activity.
Exterior doors to campus buildings are opened and secured by custodians or other individuals designated by the Office of Facility Services. For special events the Office of Facility Services needs to be notified in advance at (406) 265-3755. Residence Halls are administered by the the Dean of Students and the Residence Life Coordinator.
All students are expected to follow federal, state and local laws while on the MSU-Northern campus. The campus also has its own policies regarding student conduct (see policy 601.3 - Student Conduct) The Dean of Students is responsible for administering the University's Student Conduct Program.
The Montana Department of Justice Sexual and Violent Offender Registry (SVOR) provides an up-to-date listing of sexual and violent offenders who are required to register their whereabouts. The SVOR website also provides additional information about preventing sexual assault, using the Registry, law offender types and more.
Montana State University – Northern publishes this report in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by MSU-Northern; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes fire safety statistics. A printed copy of this report is available at the Student Union Building (SUB) information desk.
Statistics pertaining to referrals for disciplinary action reflect those incidents of alcohol, drugs and weapons violations that were referred to the Dean of Students for student conduct review and adjudication.
In an effort to maintain the quality of life we now enjoy on campus, MSU-Northern provides a variety of services and programs to students, faculty and staff.
Unreported crime is a criminal's greatest ally. If you are a victim, witness, or have information about a criminal offense, contact the MSU-Northern Facility Services at (406) 265-3755. They in turn will contact the Havre Police Department if needed. If there is no response, please call the Havre Police Department directly at (406) 265-4361 or in emergency situations, call 911. The 911 number will work from any campus phone. Northern does not have a campus police force but works closely with the Havre Police Department to maintain campus safety. The University has a contract with the Havre Police Department to check the campus multiple times during the day and evening. To report a sexual assault, please call one of the following campus administrators: Dean of Students (vacant), Human Resources Director (406) 265-3568, Registrar (406) 265-4191, Director of Student Health (406) 265-3599 or HRDC Domestic Abuse Program (406) 265-6743 during business hours, or the community crisis line at (406) 265-2222.
Preventing crime and reporting crime is everyone's responsibility. School personnel will assist the student in notifying the proper authorities if so requested.
Northern does not have recognized off-campus student organizations, and it is not the university practice to monitor off-campus criminal activity.
Outside doors to campus buildings are opened and secured by custodians or other designated individuals from the Office of Facility Services. For special events the Office of Facility Services needs to be notified in advance at 265-3755. Residence Halls are controlled by the Dean of Student Engagement/Director of Residence Life.
All students are expected to follow federal, state and local laws while on the MSU-Northern campus. The campus also has its own policies regarding student conduct (see policy 601.3 - Student Conduct) Minor infractions of this policy that occur in the housing areas are dealt with by the Dean of Students. All other infractions are handled by the Campus Judicial Officer as specified in the Student Conduct policy.
The Montana Department of Justice Sexual and Violent Offender Registry (SVOR) provides an up-to-date listing of sexual and violent offenders who are required to register their whereabouts. The SVOR website also provides additional information about preventing sexual assault, using the Registry, law offender types and more. To find out about those individuals living in Havre, please go to the SVOR web site and click the "Start Search" button.
If you see or have seen a violation of the student code of conduct or a crime committed on campus that you would like to report anonymously you may fill out the Silent Witness form at all information will be kept in the strictest of confidence.
Use, possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of any illegal controlled substance on MSU-Northern property or at any MSU-Northern sponsored activity is prohibited. This is in compliance with federal and state statues, MSU-Northern Policy, and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Northern's Alcohol Policy and Drug Free Workplace Policy are published in the Student Handbook and are available on the MSU-Northern web site at
The campus provides a variety of drug and alcohol-abuse education programs. These include; classroom presentations (Student Health Service, counseling staff, etc.), residence hall presentations (Drug Task Force, Havre Police Department and Student Health Service), misc. bulletin boards and displays, Student Senate presentations, class HPE 235 Principles of Health and Wellness (covers safety issues and drugs/alcohol/tobacco). Each year the athletic department completes a presentation and has student-athletes sign off on the campus policy 1201 Substance Abuse and Student Athletes. This policy can be seen at
For faculty and staff, we have the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which offers free counseling to those with dependency issues and a web page with links to sites that cover these topics. This can be accessed at
Crime prevention, safety, and security have been incorporated into the ongoing campus programming. Specifically, New Student Orientation, Student Senate Program Council, Student Health Services and the Housing Office provide much of the campus programming regarding these issues.
The Housing Office provides the following; training for the Resident Assistants that specifically deals with safety and security procedures and practices; a residence hall manual that has specific information dealing with the residence halls; floor meetings at the beginning of fall semester to provide and review safety and security procedures; Safety and Security programming week (RA's provided programs on a variety of topics including fire safety, Women's Self Defense, discussions with the local police department, etc.); flyers are also circulated reminding students of the importance of keeping their doors locked (for the protection of themselves and their valuables).
Montana State University-Northern does not tolerate intimate partner or sexual violence on campus (see campus policy 1001.7 Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation Policy at
If needed the MSU-Northern Housing Office will work with Judicial Affairs, Registrar, Financial Aid, and Business Office to change a victim's academic and living situations after an alleged sex offense and of the options for changes, if changes are requested by the victim and are reasonably available.