Drug and Alcohol Information

Use, possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of any illegal controlled substance on MSU-Northern property or at any MSU-Northern sponsored activity is prohibited. This is in compliance with federal and state statues, MSU-Northern Policy, and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. Northern’s Alcohol Policy and Drug Free Workplace Policy are published in the Student Handbook and are available on the MSU-Northern web site under the Administrative Policies & Procedures Section 1000: Campus Policy.

The campus provides a variety of drug and alcohol-abuse education programs. These include; classroom presentations (Student Health Service, counseling staff, etc.), residence hall presentations (Drug Task Force, Havre Police Department and Student Health Service), misc. bulletin boards and displays, Student Senate presentations, class HPE 235 Principles of Health and Wellness (covers safety issues and drugs/alcohol/tobacco), National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week information tables. Each year the athletic department completes a presentation and has student-athletes sign off on the campus policy 1201 Substance Abuse and Student Athletes.

For faculty and staff, we have the Employee Wellness program which provides; a monthly newsletter that often has articles on drug and alcohol abuse; the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which offers free counseling to those with dependency issues and a web page with links to sites that cover these topics. This can be accessed on the Northern Wellness website.