Morgan Hall

Morgan Hall is equipped with study rooms, TV lounges, and laundry rooms. Morgan Hall is also home to the Campus Recreation room. All Morgan Hall residence rooms are wired with cable TV, wired and wireless internet connections. Wired telephone service is available on request. Mail is delivered daily to the Student Union Building (SUB) Monday through Friday, except holidays. Packages can be picked up at the SUB Info Desk (photo ID required).

RA’s are available on each floor to help students with any needs they may have. RA’s do rounds through the buildings during the evening hours to ensure students are provided with an environment conducive to their academic pursuits. RAs provide numerous social events, educational programs, and learning opportunities for the residents in the Halls.

Residence Requirements: MSU-Northern requires all students under the age of 21 and who have earned less than 30 credits to reside in the residence hall (policy 603.1). Exceptions are made for students who reside with their parents and for students who are married or single parents. Other exceptions are made under special circumstances on an individual basis. Any student requesting an exception to the residency requirements must complete an exemption form, which is available from either the Admissions or Housing Offices.

Morgan Hall | Students in residence hall room