Currently Enrolled MSUN Students

  1. Go to the class schedule and select your registration term from the drop-down list. Use the course information to complete your registration form before meeting with your advisor.

  2. Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to review your selections.
  3. Obtain your advising PIN number from your advisor.
  4. Log into MyInfo using your NetID and password. 
    1.  if you do not know your NetID you can use the Claim/Recover Your NetID tool to find it.
  5. Once you are logged in:
    1. Click the “Student Services” tab.
    2. Click “Registration”.
    3. Click “Add/Drop classes”.
    4. Select the term you are registering for from the drop-down list.
    5. Click “Submit”.
    6. Enter the advisor pin number you received at your advising appointment.
    7. Enter Course registration numbers (CRN) of classes you and your advisor have selected.  
    8. Click the submit changes button:
      • Successful selections will appear as "Registered" in the Status column.  
      • If you continue down the page an explanation of schedule errors (if any) will appear.  
      • At the bottom of the page is the option to add more classes.

Please reach out to the Registrar’s Office if you have questions or need assistance.