The MSU-N fitness center is open to all MSU-Northern students, faculty & staff. Located in the basement of the Student Union Building (SUB), the facility is equipped with benches and weights, recumbent bikes, elliptical machines, treadmills, Yoga mats, resistance tubing, body bars and stability balls. It also features a 46” flat screen. Fitness Center users can check-out a bluetooth speaker at the SUB information desk for use during workouts.
Fitness Center Rules 
- Sign-in on the provided list in binder
- This facility is a recreational exercise facility for MSU-Northern Students, Faculty and Staff only.
- Patrons using this facility are expected to exercise at a safe level and in a safe manner as determined by themselves in conjunction with their physician.
- Students and employees may use this facility during posted hours only.
Facility Rules
- No food or drinks except water in the facility.
- Equipment should be wiped off by patrons with provided sanitary wipes after each use. Hand sanitizers are also available for your protection.
- Replace small equipment to its proper place after use.
- Music volume should be low enough to allow for conversations; use of personal music players is required for louder volumes.
- Book bags, purses, etc. should be stored in provided lockers. Coats are to be hung on the rack or in lockers. Nothing left in the walkways or around equipment.
- Abuse of the equipment may result in loss of facility privileges.
- Lost and Found items will be taken to the Information Desk.
- Report any injuries/accidents to the Activities & Events Director.
- Report any damaged/broken equipment to the Activities & Events Director.