Section 300: Committee Composition

Effective: June 2011
Revised: September 2015, October 2023
Last Review: October 2023
Next Review: October 2025 
Responsible Party: Dean of Students

The MSU-Northern Bookstore Advisory Committee is charged with providing input in decisions regarding the Bookstore.

The Committee will:

  • Meet twice per year in October and February.
  • Make agenda and minutes available to the Chancellor.
  • Provide feedback into the selection of logo items, especially apparel, to be carried in the Bookstore, as well as what types of supplies and other sundries are appropriate for sale in the Bookstore.
  • Advise in matters of store arrangement or future expansion plans.
  • Provide Assistant Dean of Students for Retail & Finance input and suggestions on how to better serve the needs of the campus.


The Bookstore Advisory Committee members will be approved by the Chancellor and will consist of:

Assistant Dean of Students for Retail & Finance, Chair
Three Faculty members (one from each college, nominated by the college Deans) 
Two Staff members ( nominated by the Assistant Dean of Students for Retail & Finance)
Two Students (one appointed by ASMSUN, one appointed by ASA)
University Controller, ex-officio (or designee)