Section 300: Committee Composition

Effective: December 1, 1999
Revised: August 2022
Last Review: August 2022
Next Review: August 2024
Responsible Party: Chancellor

Definition of University Buildings and Areas

University buildings shall mean all administrative, academic, housing, and student services buildings owned by the State of Montana and subject to the exclusive use of the Montana University System. Areas on campus shall mean all land (other than buildings) designated as Montana State University-Northern.


The Chancellor will appoint an ad hoc committee composed of eight members of the university community to administer the naming of university buildings and/or areas on campus. This committee will forward recommended building names to the Chancellor. Final approval will be granted by the Board of Regents of the Montana University System for all buildings, colleges, schools, departments, centers, athletic stadiums, athletic fields, auditoriums, and theaters with seating for 500 or more, and campus areas which have historic distinction to the campus.  The Chancellor will give final approval to all other areas, spaces and programs.

  1. The selection criteria to be used by the committee is: No building or area may be named after or dedicated in honor of any person presently holding full-time contractual status with Montana State University-Northern.
  2. The persons chosen should have made a contribution to Montana State University-Northern in one of the following ways:

Local Leadership

    • A person who gave significant turning point ideas and actions.
    • A person who was a benefactor of Montana State University-Northern by giving moral support and service.
    • A person who enabled the growth of the University through legislation or other means.

State or National Leadership

    • A person who gave original ideas, creations, or contributions to an academic field, particularly in degree areas offered by MSU-Northern.
    • A person who gave dedicated and long-standing contributions to a particular field or activity.
    • A person who is renowned by virtue of office.

Financial Contribution

    • A person who gave a direct financial contribution to the University for buildings, scholarships, research, faculty enrichment, or other projects.

Personal Involvement

    • A person who has published material, held an important academic position, contributed to an academic field, made an important invention, or has given significant direction to the institution, particularly if they are alumni or former faculty of MSU-Northern.


MUS Policy 1004.1 Naming of Buildings, Adopted: November 27, 1967; Revised: September 22, 2011; Revised:  March 10, 2017; Revised: January 11, 2018; revised November 19, 2021.