Dean of Students
Student Excellence Awards 2023

2023 Excellence Winners.
Dexter Beck.
Dexter is a junior CriminalJustice major from Kremlin, MT. Dexter’s passion for justice
and care for others is evident in all he does. Currently, he is engaged in an independent
study exploring the professional field devoted to preventing online child sexual abuse
and exploitation. It is his hope to use this experience to develop trainings or workshops
that can be implemented in K12 classroom settings. This independent study has also
yielded a volunteer co-op position in which he will be working with the Montana Department
of Justice, shadowing professionals working to prevent child abuse. On top of his
own academic efforts, Dexter also finds time to support his academic program through
significant volunteer hours spent at presentations, demonstrations, and other events.
Of Dexter, one nominator said, “he is a good person who aspires to help some of the
most vulnerable in our society.”
Dylan Chvilicek.
Dylan is a senior Diesel Technology major from Havre, MT. Not only is Dylan an extremely
high performing student, but he has also served four years as a student senate member,
four years as a student assistant to the men’s basketball team, has been a member
of a number of campus committees, and has assisted with more than 45 community service
and other campus activities. One nominator wrote, “Dylan has a charismatic energy
about him that you can just feel while you are in his presence. He seems to know almost
everyone on campus and always takes the time to smile and say hello as he makes his
way from class to class.” Another said, “Dylan’s attitude, work ethic, and energy
are contagious…and he has always done a good job of spreading positivity and bringing
others up with him as well.”
Brailynn DeMers.
Brailynn is a junior Plumbing and Trades Management major from Boulder, MT. Brailynn
exemplifies the engaged student, serving Northern in many varied ways, including her
role as a student Residence Hall Director for MacKenzie Hall, as a tutor for the College
of Technical Sciences, as a member of the Student Engagement Committee, and as an
advisor for the Residence Hall Association. As if that weren’t enough, Brailynn also
works part-time off-campus and has made the Dean’s list each semester she has been
a student at Northern. Of Brailynn, one nominator said, “she is extremely inclusive…and
has a genuine ability to listen and understand the student population… Students trust
her and view her as a respected leader and voice of positivity on this campus.”
Skylee Dirden.
Skylee is a senior Elementary Education major from Harlem, MT. Within her program,
Skylee has proven to be an exemplary student and pre-service teacher. In addition
to strong academic drive, Skylee also brings deep compassion and a strong sense of
professionalism to her work each and every day. Of Skylee’s performance in and out
of the classroom, one nominator wrote, “Skylee has demonstrated again and again that
she sets high expectations for herself with the intent of better service to the students
she will teach.”
Mychaella Hall.
Mychaella is a senior Graphic Design major from Dudley, PA. As a transfer student,
Mychaella faced a number of challenges in adjusting to a new community, in a new state,
in an entirely different part of the country. Mychaella wasted no time getting involved,
supporting the Graphic Design program through her work as President of the newly formed
Art Club, participating in campus events like the Community Involvement Fair and the
Aurora Borealis Festival, and organizing and implementing a student art exhibition
in the SUB. Additionally, Mychaella has been inducted to the National Society of Leadership
and Success and has made consistent appearances on the Dean’s list. Of Mychaella,
her nominator said, “she is dedicated, focused, and mature beyond her years. She is
committed to excellence in the true sense of the word.”
Abbey Morse.
Abbey is a senior Integrated Health Sciences major from Havre. Throughout her entire
time at Northern, Abbey has served as a manager for the women’s basketball team, even
suiting up a couple of times in practice when injuries required it. Abbey’s commitment
to the Northern and Havre communities is evident in her countless volunteer hours
and participation in a wide variety of events and activities, including the Alumni
Foundation auction, campus clean up days, the Glo Run, the Indigenous Women’s Walk,
the ASA’s Halloween Trunk or Treat, and the Suicide Awareness Walk, to name just a
few. Abbey’s nominator wrote, “Abbey has demonstrated a strong commitment to the core
values of MSU-Northern and has been incredibly active on and off-campus, giving of
herself to make MSU-Northern and Havre a better place.”
Hadley Plummer.
Hadley is a senior Civil Engineering Technology major from Clancy, MT. Hadley is a
tremendous leader and one whose talents are often quickly recognized and valued by
any who have the pleasure of working with her. In addition to her role as ASCE chapter
president, Hadley has served ASMSUN in multiple roles as well, cementing her perception
as a trusted student leader who is committed to enhancing the student experience at
Northern. Hadley has managed to maintain strong, consistent performance in a truly
challenging major, and has retained employment off-campus throughout her time at Northern.
Of Hadley, one nominator wrote, “in my experience at MSU-Northern I have not witnessed
another student commit as muchtime or effort as Hadley has. Every day she tries to
make campus a better place for all Northern students, taking on new responsibilities
when others won’t and working hard to complete her designated tasks, in the classroom,
on senate, as well as at work".
Aili Subik.
Business Administration major from Anaconda, MT. Throughout her exceptional academic
career at Northern, Aili has shown herself to be an exemplary student. Aili has been
an active member of the Business Professionals of America and accepted a nomination
for inclusion in the Adopt-An-MSUN Business Program, where she has worked with local
business leaders and participated in a number of community events. Aili serves as
an excellent role model for her peers, balancing high academic achievement, campus
involvement, service to her community, and a commitment to her family as well. Often,
her breaks are spent with her young brother, ice-skating, seeing movies, or trick-or-treating
in nearby Butte. Of Aili, one nominator wrote, “Aili is a skilled facilitator and
participative leader; she knows how to involve others, build consensus, and get commitment
from others.”
Jennifer Tomac.
Jennifer is a junior Community Leadership major from Havre. During her tenure at Northern,
Jennifer has been a committed online student, while balancing part-time employment
as a paraprofessional at Havre Middle School and raising 4 children with her husband.
In the summer of 2022, Jennifer worked with staff in Residential Education and Student
Health & Counseling to develop and implement the 1st Annual 2-day Student Leadership
Summit – Re-ignite the Light, which brought student leaders in various roles across
campus together to learn from each other and further develop a vision of what it means
to be a peer leader at Northern. This spring, Jennifer is serving as the Student Coordinator
of the Community Center on campus. She has taken the MSUN CARE Team’s vision from
a physical space to a growing program with increasing involvement from students, staff,
faculty, and the greater community, that will continue to grow to serve students in
years to come. Of Jennifer, her nominator wrote, “through her pursuit of personal,
educational and professional goals, Jennifer has undoubtedly made meaningful and substantive
contributions to the MSU-Northern campus as well as the local community.”
Samantha Watson.
Samantha (Sammi) is a senior Business Administration major from Chester, MT. Sammi’s
commitment to her academic experience has been on display throughout her career at
Northern. Sammi is committed not only to doing her best at all times and in all places,
but she has shown an exceptional ability to learn from her experiences, apply that
learning, and grow as a student, as a leader, and as a person. Among Sammi’s greatest
strengths is the way in which she values others. Sammi is unflinchingly positive,
treats each person with whom she interacts with dignity and respect, and selflessly
gives her time and gifts to others in a myriad of ways. In her time at Northern, Sammi
has served on Student Senate, tutored students through Student Support Services, served
as an active member of Chi Alpha, and mentored countless students, utilizing the wisdom
gained from her own experiences to shape those of her peers. As written by one of
her nominees, “Sammi is kind, ethical, honest, and shows a genuine interest in others.”
Sydney Hansen.
Sydney is a senior Elementary Education major from Big Timber, MT. Sydney strives
for excellence in everything she does. In addition to exceptional academic performance
overall, Sydney has been a strong contributor to our women’s basketball team, showing
her exemplary skill as a leader on and off the court. Sydney is a two-time Academic
All-Conference selection and will be named an Academic All-American for the second
time at the end of this semester. Additionally, Sydney devotes time every year to
a significant number of service projects on and off-campus. Of her leadership, her
nominator wrote, “Sydney was the vocal leader on the team, but she is also a great
leader by example. She does things the right way and earned the respect of not only
her teammates, but her opponents as well.”ional goals, Jennifer has undoubtedly made
meaningful and substantive contributions to the MSU-Northern campus as well as the
local community.”
Mandy Nitz.
Mandy is a graduate student in the Masters of Science in Education, Instruction, and
Learning program from Havre. Mandy’s commitment to high academic achievement and her
performance within her program is certainly reason enough for recognition, however
she is equally devoted to her family, her community, and the students she teaches
in her full-time role within the Havre School District. Mandy has been a significant
contributor to Northern’s Teachers of Promise Pathways program, in which she has taught
dual enrollment courses in education to juniors and seniors in high school. As Mandy’s
experience and influence have grown, she has proven an important proponent of the
teaching profession – particularly within our community – and has worked diligently
to support current and future colleagues. One nominator said of Mandy, “I have seen
Mandy motivate her cohort colleagues and high school students with a unique style
of engagement, passion, and support for all willing to work together…and…I believe
she is developing the skills and qualities that will facilitate her development in
becoming a robust and influential leader in the Havre School District.”