Office of the Provost
Academic Senate: Proposal Tracking Sheets 2023-2024
The table below serves as an overall view of all proposals for the Academic Year 2023-2024. If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Kueffler at 406-265-3720 or
Proposals Home
2024-2025 | 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018
2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009
2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000
2024-2025 | 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018
2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013 | 2011-2012 | 2010-2011 | 2009-2010 | 2008-2009
2007-2008 | 2006-2007 | 2005-2006 | 2004-2005 | 2003-2004 | 2002-2003 | 2001-2002 | 2000-2001 | 1999-2000
Proposal # | Title | Status |
23-01 | Changes to the BAS in Trades Management | Approved |
23-02 | BMIS 2XX to be CAT VII Gen Ed | Approved |
23-03 | BMIS 2XX to be CAT II Gen Ed | Approved |
23-04 | ANTY 250 to be CAT IV Gen Ed | Approved |
23-05 | ANTY 250 to be CAT V Gen Ed | Approved |
23-06 | New Course Proposal: ANTY 250 | Approved |
23-07 | GDSN 240 to be CAT VII Gen Ed | Approved |
23-08 | New Course Proposal: ANTY 3XX | Approved |
23-09 | Major Revisions to Course: ASTR 3XX (formerly ESCI 307) | Approved |
23-10 | Change to Credit Count Designated for BIOB 160 | Approved |
23-11 | New Course Proposal: BIOB 170 | Approved |
23-12 | New Course Proposal: BIOB 171 | Approved |
23-13 | BIOB 420 to be Designated as Capstone | Approved |
23-14 | New Course Proposal: BIOE 440 | Approved |
23-15 | New Course Proposal: BIOE 451 | Approved |
23-16 | New Course Proposal: BIOE 4XX | Approved |
23-17 | New Course Proposal: BIOH 4XX | Approved |
23-18 | New Course Proposal: BIOM 363 | Approved |
23-19 | Removal of BIOO 220 from Biology Program | Approved |
23-20 | Removal of BIOO 221 from Biology Program | Approved |
23-21 | Course Revision: Standardize Numbering of BIOO 320/321 with other State Universities | Approved |
23-22 | Revise Course Description for BIOO 335 | Approved |
23-23 | Revise Course Description for BIOO 336 | Approved |
23-24 | Revise Course Description and Standardize Credits for BIOO 380 Zoology Lecture | Approved |
23-25 | Revise Course Description and Standardize Credits for BIOO 381 Zoology Lab | Approved |
23-26 | New Course Proposal: BIOE 423 Mycology & Lab | Approved |
23-27 | New Course Proposal: BIOE 475 Mammalogy & Lab | Approved |
23-28 | Revision for Credit Hour Requirements: CHMY 142 | Approved |
23-29 | Revision for Credit Hour Requirements: CHMY 144 | Approved |
23-30 | Course Revision for BCH 360: Add Prerequisite CHMY 323 | Approved |
23-31 | Proposal of Tracks in the Bachelor of Science in Biology | Approved |
23-32 | Revision in Course Requirements for the Minor in Biology | Approved |
23-33 | Changes to the BAS Degree in Business | VOIDED by Submitting Faculty |
23-34 | Program Name Change: BAS in Business Management (formerly Business Technology) | Approved |
23-35 | Update the AS Program to fit 2+2 with BS Degree | Approved |
23-36 | Update BS Business Admin to be 2+2 with AS Degree | Approved |
23-37 | Dual List BIOO 335 for Grad Credit (BIOO 535) | Approved |
23-38 | Dual List BIOO 336 for Grad Credit (BIOO 536) | Approved |
23-39 | Major Revisions to Course: GEO 3XX Landscape Geology | Approved |
23-40 | Major Revisions to Course: PHSX 105 | VOIDED by Submitted Faculty |
23-41 | New Course Proposal: TE 1XX ID the BS | Disapproved by Provost |
23-42 | TE 1XX to be CAT VII Gen Ed | Approved |
23-43 | Changes to Liberal Studies BA | Approved |
23-44 | CAPP 156 to be CAT VII Gen Ed | Approved |
23-45 | Changes to the BAS Degree in Business | Approved |
23-46 | Removal of WRIT 101 as Prerequisite for BGEN 360 | Approved |
23-47 | Modifying the CAS in Welding Technology | Approved |
23-48 | Adding CAPP 156 as a Prerequisite to BGEN 253 | Approved |
23-49 | New Course Proposal: M 325 Discrete Mathematics | Provost |
23-50 | Course Revisions for M 329 | Academic Senate |
23-51 | Course Revisions for M 333 | Academic Senate |
23-52 | Course Revisions for M 311 | Academic Senate |
23-53 | Course Revisions for M 326 | Academic Senate |
23-54 | Course Revisions for M 351 | Academic Senate |
23-55 | Course Revisions for GEO 101 | Approved |
23-56 | Course Revisions for GEO 102 | Approved |
23-57 | Course Revisions for BIOB 101 | Approved |
23-58 | Course Revisions for BIOB 102 | Approved |
23-59 | Changes to Credit Count for BIOH 104 | Approved |
23-60 | Changes to Credit Count for BIOH 105 | Approved |
23-61 | Changes to Credit Count for NSCI 450 | Approved |
23-62 | Changes to Credit Count for NSCI 451 | Approved |
23-63 | Changes to Credit Count for BIOH 201 | Approved |
23-64 | Changes to Credit Count for BIOH 202 | Approved |
23-65 | Changes to Credit Count for BIOH 211 | Approved |
23-66 | Changes to Credit Count for BIOH 212 | Approved |
23-67 | Removing CMLD 260 as Prerequisite for PSCI 411 | Approved |
23-68 | New Math Teaching Minor | Provost |
23-69 | Course Revisions for EDU 452 | Approved |
23-70 | Course Revisions for EDU 495 | Approved |
23-71 | Course Revisions for EDU 336A | Approved |
23-72 | Course Revisions for EDU 336B | Approved |
23-73 | Adding Prerequisites for EGEN 203 | Approved |